
你好F_ R _ I _ E _ N _ D _ S !写一段关于“友谊”的短文。

Breathle $ $
11问题3.Downvotes 2020年8月15日
11问题5Downvotes 2020年8月15日
友谊意味着理解,而不是妥协。它意味着宽恕,而不是遗忘。朋友是让我们的生活充满美丽、欢乐和优雅的人。Dosti Khuda ka Khubsurat Uphaar(礼物)Hai。F:为你而战。R:尊敬你。I:包括你在内。艾凡:鼓励你。N:需要你。D:让你高兴。 S: Stand by you .
11问题7Downvotes 2020年8月16日
“友谊”这个词很轻,但责任很重……是的,一种“责任”,一种在最艰难的情况下理解你朋友的责任……对朋友忠诚的责任……有责任相信你的朋友,无论在什么情况下,你都不应该因为别人的话而怀疑你的朋友。一段友谊要承受很多痛苦……就像我们的生活一样,友谊也有起起落落,它从来都不是一段轻松的旅程,它必须经历信任问题,很多误解,第三人称进入(..LOL..),缺乏沟通等等。它有很多# Kasauties....嗯…缺乏沟通是破坏任何关系/友谊的最好原因。而不是问,我们只是开始假设一切…我们假设我的朋友没有我也很快乐,他/她和他/她的新朋友玩得很开心,S/他不需要我,S/他没有遭受创伤,S/他的生活中没有任何问题……我们只是“假设”我的朋友没有我也可以.... Interesting na !! I just wanna say one thing, Don't assume someone is okay unless you've asked them... Don't trust that someone is fine until you've spoken to them... "Stop Assuming and Start Talking".... Just think...There are Billions of people in this world... Thousands of them we met... Hundreds of people play a role in your life but in all these hundreds of people we choose the only one to make our frnd... So there must be a strong reason why u chose only That person to become ur frnd... And just coz of few misunderstandings you ruin this pious bonding with your own hands... Think about it !! In friendship there shouldn't be a place for questions like who's right or who's wrong...whose mistake was or whose not... Always remember one thing... Whoever done wrong it's not a big matter the only thing that matters is it's "Our Friendship"...If I'm wrong come and slap me and tell me my mistakes...If I did something wrong, what were u doing at that time why didn't u punch me and tell me I'm doing wrong.... Ofcourse it's our bonding so we both have to think beyond mistakes, we both have to understand eachother... It's our bonding not only one person's... It's really easy to say in Friendship that I understand uh and I trust uh but when it comes to prove most people denied from it and start Judging his/her frnds... They only pay heed on their side's story, they don't even wanna see their frnd's side...If you are suffering from something it doesn't mean ur frnd is not suffering from another and more toxic things... S/he may also fighting with his/her own battles which S/he was trying to hide from you coz maybe S/he was not ready at that time to share their problems wid u... Before Ruining anything try to find out others situation too... Who doesn't make mistakes... I'm sure you have also made sone mistakes in ur life, So did ur family throw you out from their houses...No na ..Then why just coz of one mistake you "Break-up" wid ur frnds....WHY ?? Why coz of few mistakes you forgot every good deeds of ur frnds...How easily only one mistake took place of thousands of good things... Was this much weak our bond...?? "Forgiveness is the key of happiness..." Give ur frnd a second chance, Doesn't S/he deserve atleast one chance... Afterall you chose him/her for ur frnd there must be something special in that person which u saw nd make him/her ur Best friend...You found something really different in him/her from all those hundreds of people... Friendship is a blessing... Don't destroy it for some issues...If there is a slight chance to get back ur frnds...Go for it...Coz life is too short and you are not a frnd catcher at all...:)) We all say Friendship is all about loyalty, honesty, mutual understanding, forgiveness and most importantly Trust... But No one himself/herself follows these things....We only expect others to do so...And make efforts for us... We just expect everything like it's other person's responsibility... Well... Wanna add few lines... Obviously not written by me (as i have no talents at all..lol) "" In the world of "Dost Dost na rha" Be someone's "Tere jaisa yaar kha"..."" Moral of the whole written things....Coz nowadays people are so busy so that they only focus on Morals rather than whole story... Well...Moral is here... "Our nature is too deep so that a tiny misunderstanding is enough to destroy/ruin a beautiful Friendship...We most often think that we were with a "Fake Friend" ...S/he was so heartless person and in all these one sided assumption we really lost a "Real and genuine Friend"...And by our own hands ruins the precious bonding...." A tiny advice for u all... Before taking any step please Go and Talk to your frnd...It takes 1-2 years to make a frndship stronger but it only takes one misunderstanding and few seconds to ruin your Friendship... ** Trust me losing an old frnd is worse than Break-up ** As I had to write a short paragraph...lol my pen goes down here.... Unless wanna add many more things....:))
9问题6Downvotes 2020年8月19日
9问题7Downvotes 2020年8月15日
College me ya scl kisi ladki ko dekh kar kehte hai dosts ke ye teri bhabhi hai哈哈。Aur koi FRND neche girta hai to kamine FRNDS haste hai ..印度的问题aajaye到kehte的紧张局势。想念你,亲爱的chichoore FRNDS,哈哈。
8问题6Downvotes 2020年8月15日
8问题7Downvotes 2020年8月24日
10问题9Downvotes 2020年8月15日
8问题9Downvotes 2020年8月16日
你好F_ R _ I _ E _ N _ D _ S !写一段关于“友谊”的短文。
