Hello English
Hello English

what do you think..? Is it really possible to have time travel..? Can we travel in time to the future.....?

June 14, 2019
Vikram Sahu
Hum... I think... It'll be possible in future... Scientists are working on it... Hope it'll be true...!!!
10Upvotes3Downvotes June 14, 2019
yet not possible... but in future... i can't say anything.
11Upvotes6Downvotes June 14, 2019
Do you know...? Time travel is possible..... if we move from the speed of light( 3,00,000 km/sec).
9Upvotes4Downvotes June 14, 2019
它可以毫无ible only in movie.
9Upvotes5Downvotes June 14, 2019
what do you think..? Is it really possible to have time travel..? Can we travel in time to the future.....?
Hum... I think... It'll be possible in future... Scientists are working on it... Hope it'll be true...!!!

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