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Run a house:घर चलाना Make do:काम चलाना, गुजारा करना Burst cracker:फटाका चलाना Hv an affair:चक्कर चलाना Use force:जोर चलाना If I hv my way:बस चलना Hurry up:जल्दी जल्दी हाँथ चलाना Argue:जुबान चलाना A wild guess:अंधेरे में तीर चलाना Use brain/think:दिमागचलाना

November 19, 2018
Greta kumar
Ram was living in a village with his family. he belongs to a poor family. *Running a house* was a big deal for him. Diwali was in next month, they had a little money to *make do* their life. Ram wanted to earn more money. He always used to think that *if he has his own way*, he would never let his family sad and yo give them a lavish life .. so one day he was sitting near by rever and *using his brain* suddenly he got an idea to make Diyas and sell in Diwali, he was a good artist and he could make fine diyas. So he started making lots of colorful diyas but marketing was a big issue, so he just *made a wild guess* and went to google platform and posted photos of his different colorful diyas ... Diyas were so beautiful one big merchant noticed it and liked as well, he just contacted to Ram and bought his all diyas and placed a big order for more products... Now he got a big order but he had less time to complete it, so he hired some labours to do it on time..And started working day and night. He said to his workers to *hurry up* we need to complete it on time. suddenly one day he noticed that one labour was not working properly. For last 2-3days continuesly he was busy with his mobile phone... So Ram asked him what r u doing ? Not paying attention on the work? Whom do you *hv an affair* with? Keep ur phone aside and work properly.... but that labour *argued* & replied to Ram that don't *use force* on me. I work as per my convenience I can't work day & night... To listen his argument ram got annoyed & immediately Ram thrown him out, he wanted to get his work done on time.. Finally he completed his all target, and sold all diyas to the merchant and earned a lot of money... In Diwali he bought lots of crackers and *burst* them with his family and enjoyed a lot...
9Upvotes2Downvotes November 19, 2018
Once a time, there was a very rich man.He was very miser.There were many servants who worked in his home.But he didn't give anyone to his full wage, whenever it was time to give wages.He cut their more than half wages in any shape or form and when any servant said anything about it.He said, "Don't *use force* on me.Otherwise I'll fire you from my home.There was an young servant whose name was Riyansh.He was very laborious as well as intelligent. He was also upset with his meanness. He got very less wage. He had also to *run a house*.By which he got *made do* it with very difficulty.He *thought* that if *I had my way*, i would get my all wage with that miser man.So, he often *used brain* that how can I get my full wage with my owner? One day, he found that his owner did wrong work to get more money and he also *had an affair* with a young lady. He thought why don't get threatened to him? So he went to his owner in the same evening and said to him, give me my full wage of which I'm entitled. Otherwise I'll also do something bad with you.Then the rich man said, "Oye! Poor man, don't *argue* with me". Go and do your work.Riyansh did *a wild guess* and said, ok! Leave it, I'm going to your wife and i'll say everything to her about your wrong work.The rich man scared and said, " Please, stop.What do you want in instead of it?". I'll do everything for you but just close your mouth. Riyansh said, "Give me my full wage which you cut in any shape or form.Ok, just so.Take this cheque and fill your desirable amount in it.As Riyansh was an honest man.So he only filled in it that money of which he was really entitled. But this was really a big amount with which he could improve his and his family's life. Today he was very happy. This day was like a festival of him and his family. So he went to his home and he *burst crackers* to express his happiness.
4Upvotes0Downvotes November 20, 2018
Children likes to burst crackers in Diwali
4Upvotes1Downvotes November 19, 2018
Run a house:घर चलाना Make do:काम चलाना, गुजारा करना Burst cracker:फटाका चलाना Hv an affair:चक्कर चलाना Use force:जोर चलाना If I hv my way:बस चलना Hurry up:जल्दी जल्दी हाँथ चलाना Argue:जुबान चलाना A wild guess:अंधेरे में तीर चलाना Use brain/think:दिमागचलाना
Ram was living in a village with his family. he belongs to a poor family. *Running a house* was a big deal for him. Diwali was in next month, they had a little money to *make do* their life. Ram wanted to earn more money. He always used to think that *if he has his own way*, he would never let his family sad and yo give them a lavish life .. so one day he was sitting near by rever and *using his brain* suddenly he got an idea to make Diyas and sell in Diwali, he was a good artist and he could make fine diyas. So he started making lots of colorful diyas but marketing was a big issue, so he just *made a wild guess* and went to google platform and posted photos of his different colorful diyas ... Diyas were so beautiful one big merchant noticed it and liked as well, he just contacted to Ram and bought his all diyas and placed a big order for more products... Now he got a big order but he had less time to complete it, so he hired some labours to do it on time..And started working day and night. He said to his workers to *hurry up* we need to complete it on time. suddenly one day he noticed that one labour was not working properly. For last 2-3days continuesly he was busy with his mobile phone... So Ram asked him what r u doing ? Not paying attention on the work? Whom do you *hv an affair* with? Keep ur phone aside and work properly.... but that labour *argued* & replied to Ram that don't *use force* on me. I work as per my convenience I can't work day & night... To listen his argument ram got annoyed & immediately Ram thrown him out, he wanted to get his work done on time.. Finally he completed his all target, and sold all diyas to the merchant and earned a lot of money... In Diwali he bought lots of crackers and *burst* them with his family and enjoyed a lot...

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