Hello English
Hello English

did you guys notice anything or it's happening only with me ??? whenever I open any lesson or news,it starts playing advertisement video. did u also face such inappropriate problem ?

Ashif Khan
I am also getting many ads but we can't do anything against it except buying ad free pro version. All useful apps use to show many ads because it is a great mean of their earning. By providing free education to us App developers don't get a single penny so they tie up with big companies to show their ads to their(of app) users. They charge for it. It is a source of app developer's income. Don't be upset of it. If you want to avoid these ads then take lessons while you are offline. Of course I know that we can't open articles and news articles, but by being offline you can definitely avoid some ads. ......KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.......
7Upvotes1Downvotes October 07, 2018
Yes.. It's also happening with me. Now Amazon add is showed many times when I get out to any lessons, articles or news.
7Upvotes1Downvotes 2018年10月5日
5Upvotes1Downvotes 2018年10月5日
Yes! I'm also facing this problem from so many days.
5Upvotes1Downvotes 2018年10月5日
Good morning (^^) Yes I noticed this things , you are not only one , we all are facing such a activity . According to me , it's not inappropriate ,Even I like that , nothing wrong in it , it's not distribue me ., Through advertisement I get something new , according to you that things is inappropriate than you should write your feedback to hello team . All best wishes for today !
6Upvotes2Downvotes October 06, 2018
Yes... It's also happening with me..
5Upvotes2Downvotes 2018年10月5日
yes....it's happening with me.
3Upvotes1Downvotes October 08, 2018
2Upvotes1Downvotes October 10, 2018
did you guys notice anything or it's happening only with me ??? whenever I open any lesson or news,it starts playing advertisement video. did u also face such inappropriate problem ?
I am also getting many ads but we can't do anything against it except buying ad free pro version. All useful apps use to show many ads because it is a great mean of their earning. By providing free education to us App developers don't get a single penny so they tie up with big companies to show their ads to their(of app) users. They charge for it. It is a source of app developer's income. Don't be upset of it. If you want to avoid these ads then take lessons while you are offline. Of course I know that we can't open articles and news articles, but by being offline you can definitely avoid some ads. ......KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.......

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