Hello English
Hello English

How can I speak English fluently?

July 01, 2018
实践莫re and more. Watch English movies and listen English songs.
5Upvotes1Downvotes July 01, 2018
take lessons.....and games...u can speak better
2Upvotes1Downvotes July 01, 2018
Talk english with your friends regularly.
1Upvotes1Downvotes July 01, 2018
listen carefully also speak randomly,,reading newspaper & English article,English movie, song, BBC, CNN, News.On the other hand, hello english is the best apps ever.
0Upvotes1Downvotes June 18, 2019
How can I speak English fluently?
实践莫re and more. Watch English movies and listen English songs.

Check out these dictionary words