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Posted On : Urdu lesson 88

what is verb?

October 01, 2017
verb is action. if you are doing anything .in this sentence doing is verb because doing is action
2Upvotes0Downvotes October 01, 2017
in a sentence like "she eats mango", there are usually made it a subject and verb and sometimes added object so there are three words in the sentence... 1: subject, it means to doer , or person etc " she" it is doer(subject) 2: verb, it means to an action or it is a process to do something or not. "eats" it is verb. 3: object, it means to receiver to subject action. and "mango" is object.
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 30, 2020
verb is a action
0Upvotes0Downvotes September 23, 2019
what is verb?
verb is action. if you are doing anything .in this sentence doing is verb because doing is action

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