Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Hindi lesson 201

how can we use drank if she always drink water ? Because this is shows that which think she regularly doing.

Deepak Goswami
yes, i totally agree with you but if she used to drink early so we can use drank .am i right?
5Upvotes2Downvotes August 30, 2017
No. we can't use drank here. Because 'She always drinks water' shows present tense.
3Upvotes1Downvotes August 30, 2017
it sounds weird but yes, according to the rules; it is true. Well, English is weird in itself !!
2Upvotes1Downvotes February 03, 2018
yes we cannot use drank here
1Upvotes1Downvotes January 19, 2018
I don't know
1Upvotes1Downvotes September 13, 2017
how can we use drank if she always drink water ? Because this is shows that which think she regularly doing.
yes, i totally agree with you but if she used to drink early so we can use drank .am i right?

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