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what mean mars

August 27, 2017
Mars is one of the eight planets in our solar system. Mars is also called as 'red planet'. It is the fourth planet in our solar system.
2Upvotes0Downvotes August 27, 2017
第二个smallest planet in the solar system,Mars is half the size of Earth . it's somethings called the red planet because of its rusty colouring.A vast canyon called Valles Mariner is stretches a quarter of the way around this frozen desert world.It formed long ago when the crust of the young planet split open. Elsewhere are dusty plains strewn with boulders and giants, extinct volcanoes, including Olympus Mons - the Solar system's largest volcano.
1Upvotes0Downvotes March 25, 2019
what mean mars
Mars is one of the eight planets in our solar system. Mars is also called as 'red planet'. It is the fourth planet in our solar system.

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