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what difference few and little uses

May 12, 2017
我们使用一些可数的东西和我们使用little for uncountable things
3Upvotes0Downvotes May 12, 2017
· A little and (very) little are used with uncountable nouns (money, bread, water...) · A few and (very) few are used with countable nouns (friends, tables, teachers..)
3Upvotes0Downvotes May 13, 2017
little are used for uncountable ,it means those things which can't be count as ex.sugar,milk,coffee,etc. and few are used for those things which are able to count .as ex.student,train,etc.
1Upvotes0Downvotes July 29, 2017
I don't know
0Upvotes0Downvotes July 30, 2017
what difference few and little uses
我们使用一些可数的东西和我们使用little for uncountable things

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