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9 Phrasal Verbs for 'Health'
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Phrasal verbs for 'Health':

1. To be under the weather (बीमार महसूस करना/ मौसम की वजह से ठण्ड लग जाना) To feel a bit ill / have a cold because of the weather

2. To be off colour (बीमार महसूस करना) To feel a bit ill

3. To come down with something (कुछ पकड़ लेना) To catch something

4. To look after someone (किसी का ध्यान रखना) To take care of someone

5. To fight something off (अपनी तरफ से कोशिश करना कि आप जल्दी बेहतर हो जाएँ) To try your best to get better

6. To shake something off (बेहतर होते जाना) To try to get better

7. To pass out (बेहोश हो जाना) To faint / suddenly fall asleep from weakness or sickness

8. To throw up (उलटी कर देना) to vomit / to puke

9. To swell up / swollen (जब कुछ सूज जाता है) to expand because there’s a problem with it
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