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Should Voting Be made Compulsory In India?
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The Lok Sabha elections are round the corner and the campaigning has begun. But is every citizen going to vote? The Central Government spends over Rs 1, 000 crore on elections. Yet, because a huge chunk of eligible voters don't exercise their franchise, we are saddled with candidates who come to power because only a small percentage of the votes of the total electorate.

Who is to blame for a bad scenario? Who do we point fingers at whenever the people in power don't do what they are supposed to do? Look in the mirror - it's the apathy of the non - voters that are to blame for the farcical situation India is mired in. The question at hand is: when will all the eligible voters in India start casting their votes - when will we hear of 95 per cent voting?

Many claim that creating or increasing awareness is the best way to bring voters to the booths. Well, if this were true, then we would see at least 90 per cent voting. There are states like Kerala that have the highest rate of literacy but we still do not see enough voters casting their votes there.

The only solution to the problem is to make voting compulsory. For instance, If it was compulsory to produce proof of voting for loan or for anything else such as a gas connection, people may actually go to vote.

Voting is not a right, it is a duty People are the real rulers in a democracy. The only time we as people are asked to perform our duties to the country is when we are asked to vote. How can we proudly claim to be living in the largest democracy in the world if we don't perform this crucial duty?

If compulsory voting is successful in countries like Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Cyprus, Greece and Egypt, then it can be successfully practiced in India, too. Electoral reforms It has argued that the Election Commission can ensure more electoral participation in voting if it 介绍了 provisions like voting online or e - voting. Since a lot of people work away from their areas of voting and may not get leaves or may not be able to go to their constituencies on the day of the vote. For, such cases electoral commission must introduce E - voting for maximum participation. All voters - both those who are in the constituency and those who are away - can make use of this facility. An electronic ID card, which records the person's vote, should also be introduced as part of making voting compulsory. These reforms will ensure that the real power is in the of the people.

Through this article we would like to request all users to cast their votes in the coming elections and be responsible citizens of the country.
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