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5 Tips for an Eco Friendly Dussehra
Language :Marathi
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While we have an amazing time celebrating our favourite festivals, we often tend to forget what we are subjecting our environment to. From polluting fireworks to the non - degradable idols that we immerse in water, someway or the other we harm our environment in endless ways.

So, let's take a pledge this festive season to save our environment and do our bit to stop the pollution. Here are some tips to celebrate an eco - friendly Dussehra.

1. Using eco - friendly idols:
Instead of opting for idols made of Plaster of Paris, use the eco - friendly clay idols for Puja and take a step towards the eco - friendly movement.

2. Energy saving lightings:
Saving power is the most crucial thing. People tend to use halogen lights to decorate the puja pandal which consumes a lot of power. Instead, opt for the CFL bulbs or other energy saving electrical products.

3. Use Recyclable Products:
We should try to use the products that are degradable; such stuff is easily available in the market. Serving food on large leaves is also a good idea.

4. Avoid use of firecrackers:
Firecrackers cause environment pollution. It releases harmful smoke which pollutes the air. It is impossible to get away from them, but try to reduce the numbers.

5. Do less:
Keep your puja celebration simple and environment - friendly by taking care of these small things.

Hope you have a great time celebrating the festival in an eco - friendly way!
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