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Bhagat Singh: The Young Freedom Fighter
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Revolutionary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, along with Rajguru and Sukhdev, was hanged on March 23, 1931. The young freedom fighter was only 23 years old. His death inspired hundreds to take up the cause of the freedom movement. His ideology continues to be relevant even in the context of today's social and political situation.

Bhagat Singh’s fight for freedom has many interesting chapters, some of which are mentioned below:

The fatal killing of a British officer Scott who was mistaken for John Saunders, while revenging the death of Lala Lajpat Rai

The blasting of two improvised bombs in the legislative assembly in Delhi and shouting slogans.

The 60 day hunger strike during his term in

The Lahore conspiracy case

The Lahore conspiracy case led to the hanging of Bhagat singh, Shivram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar which was initially scheduled on 24th March 1931. The time was moved 11 hours before schedule and they were secretly hanged to death on 23rd March instead due to increasing protests and their growing popularity.

It is also said that their popularity and ideology had become so famous that no judge wanted to risk supervising their hanging. It was an honorary judge who did the needful. After which the bodies were taken out through a hole dug in the wall of the jail and cremated secretly as well.

Some unknown facts about Bhagat Singh:

- He was a book lover and would love to read.

- He was inspired by socialism from a very early age

- He also had a knack for acting

- He was inspired by socialist ideas of Lenin and Karl Marx and had abandoned god and religion

- Not just an avid reader and actor, but Bhagat Singh was also a prolific writer and contributed to many newspapers of the time.

He was one of the most well known revolutionaries in India, A favourite among the youth, he continues to inspire generations till today.

Source : The Times of India
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