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10 ways to say 'Thank You'
Language :Bangladeshi
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The following phrases can be used to say - Thank you!:

When you receive a gift from somebody and you want to thank them for it, you can say:
1. I loved the gift, thank you so much!

When somebody does something really nice or pleasing for you, you can say:
2. That was really thoughtful of you, thank you!

When you invite somebody for a party and they join you. You really love their company and want to thank them for coming over, you can say:
3. Thank you for joining us, it was great fun!

When somebody is always there for you when you need them, you can say:
4. Thank you for always being there for me!

When your friend does something for you and you feel really loved, you can say:
5. You are an amazing friend, thank you for doing this for me!

When somebody sends you an invite and you want to revert, you can say:
6. Thank you for your invitation, I would love to come.

When somebody gives a birthday treat, you can say:
7. Thank you for the treat, I enjoyed a lot!

When you visit somebody's house and you want to say something to them before leaving, you can say:
8. The food was amazing, thank you so much for having us over!

When somebody appreciates you or gives you compliments, you could say:
9. Thank you for your kind words, I'm overwhelmed.

When somebody lends an ear and you are really thankful to them, you can say:
10. Thank you for your time, I really appreciate that.
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